Thursday, October 1, 2009


Wow, over 2 months since my last post.....guess if you want to keep up with us you will need to get a Facebook account since that seems to be my preferred method these days.

All is well here on the home front....we are swamped as usual, but it is quiet at the moment.

Both girls are staying the night w/friends as well as James Dean, so I just hung out with Ryan and Kylee tonight. We scored some Wizard of Oz and Dora the Explorer while I baked bread......Cranberry Nut Bread to be exact.....Tracy is down sick so she went to bed early. She has never even used her bread maker but I'm becoming quite the chef. The second loaf of Cranberry is in the hot box now.....going to try my hand at Egg Bread when it's is 11:30 PM so I'll still be up awhile.

Since my last post Tracy and the kids have all made it home safe and sound after a long summer back in the states with the family. They had a good time and a good visit.....they spent time in Kansas, Oklahoma and Colorado.

The kids are slammed with school.....I cannot understand how there is so much homework.....Jordan needs a pack mule to haul all her books home everyday. I don't think I ever cracked a book and look and the incredible success I've attained!

Work is good, we have got our new guy in and he has hit the ground running so life is good......we stay plenty busy but he has lessened the load significantly.

I scored a nice motorcycle a couple weeks ago thanks to a very loving and awesome wife....really regretted ever selling my last one and missed riding. Will work my up into a Harley one of these days.....

Made the drive up to Seoul last weekend to attend the Temple and participate in a District Youth Event......had a temple visit on Friday night and a hike up a small mountain with about 25 Young Men/Women on Saturday. At least that is what it is called in Korea.....a hike.....where I come from it would be more likely called "mountain goat/Sherpa training". A hike is supposed to be a flat or rolling trail......if it requires a rope to grab onto to get yourself safely pulled up the looming rock face then that, I'm pretty sure is not a hike. But a great time was had by all......

I have a long weekend starting tomorrow.....this weekend is a Korean holiday, Chuseok , which is Korea's Thanksgiving. Basically we are on lock threat, but the mass exodus of people traveling back to visit their families creates gridlock on the freeways......normally a 3-4 hour drive to Seoul turns into about 10 hours. Basically a 150 mile long parking lot.....I'll pass.

Going to try to slip out into the mountains to take a ride this weekend.....this is a beautiful country.

Off work on Friday for the holiday and took leave on Monday to score a 4 day weekend!
Tomorrow is also Ryan's birthday so he has a full day planned out for us that sounds like it involves eating pizza down on the river and going swimming at the pool on Camp Walker.

Today is also the one year anniversary of my house in Kansas being on the market up for totally sucks that we can't get it sold, even after knocking $12,500 off the price.....we have not had a single hit or offer in this last year.......

Still staying super busy with scouts....Ryan is now a Wolf Cub and meets once a week and James Dean (who made his Eagle Scout) is also staying active and meeting once a week.

We had been mulling over extending our tour here but I think we have pretty much decided to pack it up and head back to the 'ol US of A when our time expires in Dec. 2010.....can't believe we have almost been here a year it has flown. We truly do love it here, but we need to get rid of the house and we would also like to settle in somewhere and let the older 3 graduate high school before moving on again. I figure we can make it work if I get sent back to a Depot in the might require me to make a trip to the sand box but we will see.....only time and the good Lord will tell.

Well, I'll throw up a gratuitous picture of me and the bike and one with the youth for now and wish whoever reads this good riddance and God Bless.

Signing off from Korea........for now.